Assemblages of Vigen Vartanov1975-2015

Between 1975 and 2015, Vigen Vartanov created more than 150 assemblages, using a variety of materials and items that he mostly found on the streets.  Rusted sheets of tin and construction mesh, old suitcases, forged nails, dials and gears of watches, liners and charred musical instruments, found home in his works.

For both the multi-layered flat collage, and three-dimensional assemblage, it was not a simple set of individual objects. All these objects are connected by meaning and are interconnected by various kinds of extensions, suspensions, combined by a faint of decaying tissues, nets of ropes and iron. In Vigen’s artworks items are given different texture and color, it’s like a pictorial art, but instead, the Artist works with various auxiliary materials, such as ash, scobs, cement, mixed with paints.